Use "kidney|kidneys" in a sentence

1. Conclusions: Wrapping the kidney with a Vicryl mesh is feasible for repair of lacerated kidneys.

2. Kidney function is usually reduced; the kidneys can be just slightly dysfunctional, or fail completely.

3. Acquired Cystic kidney disease is not the same as polyCystic kidney disease (PKD), another disease that causes the kidneys to develop multiple cysts

4. The adrenal glands are crowns resting on top of the kidneys, one above each kidney.

5. The most significant effect is accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys which causes kidney damage leading to oliguric or anuric acute kidney failure.

6. Acquired Cystic kidney disease happens when a person's kidneys develop fluid-filled sacs, called cysts, over time

7. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should

8. Kidney stones often cause no pain while they are in the kidneys , but they can cause sudden , severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder .

9. EYE (3) IRIS (4) ACC (3) SCH (3) Azoturias (9) AZOTURIA (8) AZOTEMIAS (9) AZOTEMIA (8) KIDNEYS (7) KIDNEY (6)

10. It is normally removed from your blood by your kidneys, but when kidney function slows down, the Creatinine level rises

11. Stunted growth: an Atmin mutant mouse kidney (right) is smaller and less developed, with fewer tubule branches than a healthy kidney (left) The development of the kidneys is a complex process

12. without the organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and without the kidneys, the kidney fat and the pelvic fat

13. — without the organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and without the kidneys, the kidney fat and the pelvic fat,

14. Long-term exposure to lower levels of Cadmium can lead to a buildup of Cadmium in the kidneys and possible kidney disease

15. The kidneys are responsible for removal of Creatinine from the blood, so if your kidney function declines, Creatinine levels in the blood rise.

16. A Bun, or blood urea nitrogen test, can provide important information about your kidney function. The main job of your kidneys is to remove waste and extra fluid from your body.

17. Atrophic kidney is a term used when the size of kidney becomes small due to any kidney disease or due to non functioning kidney

18. These include kidney inflammations, and lesions and increased kidney weight.

19. 10 Suet is fat found around the kidneys of cattle, used to make a kind of soft pastry filled with steak and kidney or as a dessert with something sweet like golden syrup .

20. Low Creatinine clearance levels can indicate serious kidney damage, while elevated levels signify possible kidney disease or impaired kidney function.

21. Chronic kidney disease is the slow loss of kidney function over time

22. Kidney alone Allocation, in SLK Allocation, the kidney is not allocated based on medical criteria assessing the kidney function of the candidate

23. Elias appeals to Kyle, claiming that he needs money to pay for a kidney transplantation for his dying mother and that, if Kyle refuses to comply, he will instead take one of Avery's kidneys.

24. Your kidneys also help regulate Bicarbonate

25. “Refine My Kidneys and My Heart”

26. That'll box his kidneys for sure.

27. Hypokalemia-Bartter Syndrome is caused by a pathological condition of the kidneys where the kidneys are unable to absorb sodium.Hyper Aldosterone level-Individuals with Bartter syndrome start to lose excessive sodium via urine resulting in elevation of aldosterone levels, which makes the kidney discard excessive potassium from the body.Potassium Wasting-Barter Syndrome is …

28. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means your kidney function slowly gets worse with time

29. Daystreak kidneys Articulata JCAE dustbox Antelegal

30. Chlorothiazide is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

31. We'll box his liver, trash his kidneys.

32. Offal, sir... is kidneys, liver, tongue, brains...

33. Organs, kidneys, livers, anything you can find.

34. Gallstone, kidney stone: Please refer to the note 5 Days Liver Cleansing & Kidney Cleansing Program.

35. I insisted on amphotericin, killed his kidneys.

36. Canvasser is a fellowship-trained endourologist and minimally invasive surgeon offering care for adults with kidney stone disease, kidney obstruction, kidney cancer, and enlarged prostates

37. A spoonful of kidney ash every morning... gets your kidney problems out of the way.

38. Many people after a kidney transplant will develop a little fluid collection around the kidney.

39. Anuria is when the kidneys stop producing urine. The condition is usually the result of disease or damage to the kidneys

40. Indirectly, Aldosterone has an effect on the kidneys.

41. TB: Many people after a kidney transplant will develop a little fluid collection around the kidney.

42. Bicarbonate is excreted and reabsorbed by your kidneys.

43. An untreated bladder infection can spread to the kidneys .

44. Akin Classification for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Classifies severity of acute kidney injury, similar to RIFLE Criteria.

45. The kidneys of mammal are encapsulated with adipose capsule.

46. Sugars are reabsorbed in the kidney.

47. But pregnant women , some children , and recipients of kidney transplants should be treated to avoid a kidney infection .

48. Because it had settled so deeply within, the “advice” was identified with the “kidneys,” and thus it could be said that the kidneys corrected David.

49. Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease.

50. Two kidneys, two ureters, two urethral sphincters, and a urethra.

51. Bleomycin is mainly excreted from the body via the kidneys.

52. Anuria or anuresis occurs when the kidneys aren’t producing urine

53. Kidneys drain into the bladder, which drains into the ureter.

54. The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products.

55. The kidneys of mammal are encapsulated with adipose capsule.Sentence dictionary

56. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (kidney disease)

57. Kidney calculus, urine abnormality, albuminuria, hypercalcinuria, hypericaemia

58. Ben Kidney served in the Grenadier Guards.

59. Boatsman suffered kidney infections as a kid

60. A kidney Autotransplant changed everything for Kristin

61. Both Bun and creatinine are filtered in the kidneys and excreted through urination and they are a perfect parameter for identifying the overall functions of the kidneys.

62. One cup of cooked kidney Beans includes:

63. Healthy enough to toss you a kidney.

64. He even has a kidney-shaped pool.

65. Bruce was born with a kidney defect.

66. Kidney calculus, urine abnormality, albuminuria, hypercalcinuria, hyperuricemia

67. What tweak does remedial kidney stone have?

68. Objective : To explore the method of repair of lacerated kidneys.

69. Click here for the Professional Version In Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome, a hereditary defect of the kidney tubules causes the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of electrolytes (potassium, sodium, and chloride), resulting in growth, electrolyte, and sometimes nerve and muscle abnormalities.

70. The pivotal role of melatonin in Ameliorating chronic kidney disease by suppression of the renin-angiotensin system in the kidney.

71. This Booklet explains what Medicare covers and how Medicare helps pay for kidney dialysis and kidney transplant services in Original Medicare

72. The liver processes nutrients and together with kidneys purifies the blood .

73. Having too much calcium accumulate in the Arteries, kidneys, or …

74. The Adrenal glands are small glands positioned above the kidneys

75. The antiretrovirals could fry his heart, his liver, his kidneys.

76. Disclosed are methods relating to the treatment and/or prevention of kidney disorders, especially kidney disorders characterized by or involving albuminuria.

77. Alloxan toxicity to the kidney was evaluated histologically.

78. An Atrophic kidney is very small in size


80. Most kidney Bleeds happen without a known cause